People try many things to end their drug problems. They receive hypnosis, do acupuncture, meditate, read self help books and do a variety of other things to distract and heal themselves. Some forms of drug abuse treatment are helpful while others are not, but the singular most important remedy to drug problems is receiving God’s love. Those who have experienced God’s love know that it is powerful enough to do things in an instant that people are unable to do in years. God’s love offers many gifts to people, and those gifts make drug abuse into something small and conquerable.
The gift of inspiration is received through God’s love. Drug abuse kills inspiration, but God’s love restores it. We have all felt inspiration in our lives. It is a force that makes life worth living because it makes us desire truth and gives us exhilaration. Inspiration is soul food, but we cannot always access it. Life circumstances can chase it away, and substance abuse removes it from our lives entirely. God’s love is powerful enough to inspire us our whole lives long. A person who has felt it never forgets it, and even through dark times, they remember the source of inspiration they found in God’s love.
Check out christian recovery centers for more information and counselling services.
God’s love also fills people with a strong sense of purpose. Purpose is something we all crave because it satisfies our need to be useful and fulfills us through good works. It is easy to lose our sense of purpose through distractions. The world is very good at throwing distractions at us, such as drug abuse. Drug abuse kills purpose in our lives by removing our sense of priority toward it. Drug abuse makes the drug the center of a person’s life, stripping them of their focus, their usefulness and their life’s purpose. When God’s love enters into the situation through a heart that is ready to receive it, it changes everything. It puts all of life back into perspective and restores a sense of purpose through divine intervention.