1. What is Addiction? Understanding the Nature of Addiction and Its Consequences
2. The Role of Faith in Addiction: A Closer Look at How God Can Help to Overcome Addiction
3. An Overview of Biblical Support: Exploring Texts That Speak on the Subject of Addiction
4. Forms of Addiction: Deeper Insight into the Varying Types of Addictions That Exist
5. Drug Addiction: The Dangers of Drugs and How Believing in God Can Help to Combat This Type of Addiction
6. Alcohol Addiction: Examining the Specifics of Alcoholism and How It Can be Battled With the Aid of God
7. Gaming Addiction: Understanding the Impact of Video Game Addiction and Its Relationship to Faith
8. Gambling Addiction: Examining the Damage Caused by Gambling Addiction and How It Can be Treated with a Faith-Based Approach
9. Shopping Addiction: A Closer Look at Compulsive Shopping and Its Connection to Faith
10. Food Addiction: Analyzing Binge Eating and How Spiritual Concentration Could be a Way to Overcome It
11. Understanding Boundaries: Defining What Is and Isn’t Acceptable in Addiction with the Help of God
12. Social Media Addiction: Recognizing the Prevalence of this Kind of Addiction and How Faith Could Help to Overcome It
13. Methodologies: Exploring the Varying Approaches to Overcome Addiction and How Specialized Intervention Can Help to Rehabilitate One’s Spiritual Life
14. A Path to Recovery: Establishing Realistic Goals With the Help of Faith to Monitor Progress
15. The Pros and Cons of Following God to Overcome Addiction
16. Finding Support: Exploring Online Communities and Their Role in Rehabilitating an Addiction
17. Building a Support Network: Connecting with Other Individuals Who Are Fighting Addiction in Order to Encourage Each Other
18. Your Role in Fighting Addiction: Reflection on Changes that Can Be Made on an Everyday Level
19. Breaking the Cycle: Recognizing the Habits of Thought That Make an Addiction Persistent and How Faith Can Help
20. Maintaining Motivation: Strategies to Inspire Yourself During Recovery With the Aid of God
21. Maintaining Resilience During Difficult Times: Examining Beliefs, Feelings, and Behaviors to Strengthen Faith and Combat Addiction
22. The Impact of Surrounding Factors: Analyzing Social and Environmental Factors That Could Progress or Reduce an Addiction
23. Regenerating the Spirit: Exploring Creative Ways of Reinvigorating Energy to Keep Going Through Difficult Times
24. Considering Natural Remedies: Exercises, Nutrition, and Dietary Habits That Could Help in the Rehabilitation of an Addiction
25. Finding the Right Therapies: Surrounding Yourself With Professionals Who Can Guide You in the Right Direction
26. Developing Faith-Centered Practices: Reflection on How Deepening Your Beliefs Could Help You Overcome Addiction
27. Praying During Difficult Times: Examining How Devoting Time for Personal Reflection and Prayer Could Reinforce Your Faith
28. Progress Through Prayer: Demonstrating How Becoming Proactive in Prayer Could Help You Reach Long-Term Goals
29. Learning to Forgive: Analyzing the Role of Forgiveness to Reconnect with the Divine and Combat an Addiction
30. Expressing Gratitude: Looking at How Acknowledging Blessings Can Enhance Your Faith and Facilitate the Recovery Process
31. Relying On the Divine: Understanding That By Relying on God We Will Receive Blessings No Matter the Situation
32. What Role Does Self-Control Play? Examining the Relationship Between Self-Control and Addiction
33. Disciplining Yourself: Exploring Ways You Can Take Control of Your Behaviors and Exercise Self-Control
34. Making Positive Decisions: Understanding How Faith Can Help You Analyze Situations and Make the Right Decisions
35. Reducing Temptations: Analyzing the Benefits of Removing Yourself From Temptations and Relying on Faith
36. Interpreting Life Events: Developing a Healthy Attitude Towards Life Events and How This Can Help You React Appropriately to Reducing an Addiction
37. Developing Self-Esteem: Examining How Believing in Yourself and Your Abilities Could Strengthen Your Faith and Enable You to Overcome Your Addiction
38. Establishing New Habits: Taking Steps to Create Habits That Could Help Combat Addiction
39. Learning How to Rely on Yourself: Practicing Self-Reliance and Focusing on Your Individual Traits to Build Self-Confidence
40. Understanding Your Triggers: Examining the Reasons That Guided You Into Addiction and How Faith Could Help You Overcome Them
41. Challenges of Recovery: Identifying Key Challenges That May Arise During Recovery and Why You Should Rely on God
42. Dealing With Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms: Exploring Strategies to Manage Cravings and Withdrawal Symptoms During an Addiction Recovery
43. Setting Reasonable Expectations: Looking at What Can and Should Be Achieved in Terms of Recovery
44. Dealing With Complications: Expected and Unexpected Challenges That Could Arise During Recovery and How Faith Could Help You Overcome Them
45. Staying on Track: Monitoring Progress During the Recovery Process and Refocusing on Your Goals
46. Learning to Cope With Stress: Examining the Role of Stress in Addiction and Developing Faith-Centered Strategies for Fighting Stress
47. Dealing With Emotional Issues: Analyzing the Impact of Addiction on the Emotional Well-Being of an Individual and How Faith Could Help to Overcome It
48. Physical and Mental Well-Being: Understanding How Your Physical and Mental Health Can Affect Addiction and Why You Need to Take Care of Yourself
49. Reliving the Negative Effects of Addiction: Understanding How Reliving the Negative Effects of Addiction Could Reinforce Faith and Help You Gain Clarity on the Path Towards Recovery
50. Looking Towards the Future: Reflection on Shaping Your Habits and Behaviors in Order to Make Positive Changes
51. Belief in the Divine: How Believing in the Divine can Help You Overcome Your Addiction
52. Practicing Compassion and Empathy: Examining How Practicing Compassion and Empathy Could Enhance Spiritual Growth
53. Building a Relationship With God: Understanding How Deepening Your Relationship With God Could Enhance Your Faith and Recover From an Addiction
54. Listening Spiritually: Reflecting on How Listening to Divine Messages Could Infuse Spiritual Strength and Combat Addiction
55. Making Sacrifices: Exploring How Making Sacrifices Could Help to Seek the Divine and Overcome Addiction
56. Overcoming Setbacks: Handling Challenges and Recognizing the Road to Recovery Will Be Long and Uphill
57. Rediscovering Some Lost Habits: Exploring Positive Habits and Attitudes That Can Help to Reestablish Your Relationship With God
58. Recognizing Your worth: Examining Strategies to Enhance Your Faith and Appreciate Yourself More
59. Understanding Thoughts, Emotions and Feelings: Understanding How To Distinguish Between Healthy and Unhealthy Thoughts and Emotions
60. Exploring the Unconditional Love of God: Examining How the Unconditional Love of God Could Help You Overcome Addiction
61. Finding Strength Through Accountability: Understanding the Power of Accountability and Why Reaching Out to Your Supporters Could Help You Overcome Addiction
62. Understanding the Difference Between Support and Enabling: Examining Ways That You Can Strengthen Both Your Relationship With God and Others
63. Learning to Appreciate the Moment: Examining Strategies to Become Mindful of Your Surroundings and Embrace the Presence of the Divine
64. Creating a Goal-Oriented Lifestyle: Establishing a Daily Routine That Is Guided by Your Faith and Goals for Recovery
65. Coping With Cravings: Exploring Techniques to Cope With Cravings Before They Get Out of Control
66. Setting Boundaries: Examining Ways That You Can Differentiate Between Healthy and Unhealthy Behavior
67. Changing Your Environments: Reflection on How to Avoid Triggers That Elevate the Likelihood of Relapsing
68. Identifying Faithful Resources: Exploring Online Communities of People Who Are Also Battling Addiction and Taking Comfort in Their Shared Experiences
69. Cultivating a Positive Mindset: Examining How Changing Your Thought Process Could Help You Strengthen Your Faith and Overcome Addiction
70. Achieving Self-Discipline: Understanding the Necessity of Self-Discipline to Stay on Track During Your Recovery
71. Maintaining a Consistent Social Circle: Evaluating the Role of Positive Influences in Your Life and How to Foster New Relationships
72. Connecting With Nature: Exploring How Nature and Its Beauty Could Enhance Your Faith and Facilitate Recovery
73. Developing Patience and Grace: Delving Into the Role of Patience and Grace to Counteract Cravings and Exposure to Triggers
74. Reinforcing Habits: Establishing Habits That Can Help You Focus on the Moment and Elevate Your Spiritual Strength
75. Reflection and Contemplation: Examining the Reasons Behind Your Actions and the Impact That It Has on Your Road to Recovery
76. Becoming a Example to Others: Reflecting on How Supporting Others on Their Battle With Addiction Could Help Reinforce Your Faith
77. Increasing Positive Behavior: Exercising Strategies to Resist Addictive Behaviors and Replace Them With Positive Habits
78. Liberating Yourself From Addictive Thinking: Achieving Clarity and Understanding With the Help of the Divine
79. Learning to Forgive Yourself: Examining How Apologizing to Yourself Could Reinforce Your Faith and Bring You Closer to God
80. Reaching Out to Others: Exploring How Building Connections With Others Could Inspire You and Lead You On a Path of Recovery
81. Developing Hobbies: Identifying Hobbies That Could Serve as Alternative Outlets for Your Emotions and Help You Feel More Connected to God
82. Prioritizing Health: Reflecting on How Taking Care of Yourself Could Elevate Your Beliefs and Combat Addiction
83. Finding a Purpose: Exploring Ways That You Can Better Understand Your Role in This Life and Pursue Healthy Aims
84. Identifying Reasons to Live and What You Want to Accomplish: Exploring Reasons to Live and How You Can Focus On Them To Strengthen Your Faith
85. Developing a Positive Mind-Set: Understanding How Switching Thoughts from Negative to Positive Could Help You Cope With Cravings
86. Reaching a Point of Clarity and Insight: Taking the Time to Reflect and Grasp the Clarity You Need for Recovery
87. Pursuing Personal Peace: Examining How Taking Time to Pursue Peace Could Help You Reconnect with Yourself and the Divine
88. Taking Care of Others: Reflection on How Caring For Others Can Help Rekindle Your Faith
89. Relying on Your Faith: Taking Comfort in Your Faith to Cope With Difficult Situations and Challenges
90. Establishing a Foundation of Restoration and Healing: Understanding the Steps That Need To Be Taken to Reinforce Your Faith and Strengthen Your Relationship With God
91. Being an Agent of Change for Yourself and Others: Looking into How You Can Make a Difference in Your Life and the Lives of Others
92. Understanding and Developing Inner Strength: Exploring Ways You Can Embrace Mental and Spiritual Strength to Overcome Addiction
93. Gaining Comfort Through God: Understanding the Role of God in Your Recovery and The Ways He Can Comfort You
94. Maintaining a Routine of Reflection and Meditation: Exploring Ways That You Can Make Time For Reflection and Meditation In Order to Reconnect With the Divine
95. Researching Relevant Faith Resources: Exploring Online Resources That Could Help You Enhance Your Knowledge On Addiction and Strengthen Your Faith
96. Establishing Healthy Habits: Analyzing What Strategies You Can Implement to Create Healthy Habits
97. Learning to Make Hard Choices: Taking Responsibility and Making Choices That Could Help Combat Addiction
98. Understanding Predispositions: Analyzing Molecular Drug Targets and How These Can Be Affected By Faith
99. Embracing the Strength of Positive Thinking: Exploring How You Can Utilize Positive Thinking To Enhance Your Faith
100. Remaining Hopeful and With Steadfast Nerves: Understanding What It Takes to Overcome Addiction by Rely on Your Faith
A Guide to Recovering From Substance Abuse
It’s not uncommon to feel lost and unsure of how to move forward in life when struggling with an addiction. Fortunately, there are Christian drug rehab centers throughout the United States that can provide direction and support along your journey to sobriety. These treatment programs use faith-based values to help individuals identify core issues and develop a stronger connection with God to break free from the bondage of addiction and build a life of renewal. Keep reading for a look into the types of holistic Christian drug rehab programs offered and how they can be beneficial to those in need.
What is Christian Drug Rehab?
Christian drug rehab is an addiction treatment program that takes a faith-based approach to overcoming addiction and finding lasting recovery. Treatment centers that offer Christian drug rehab specialize in providing an individual focus to recovery that is tailored to a patient’s specific religious beliefs. This type of treatment uses evidence-based approaches and Biblical principles to help individuals focus on their own unique spiritual journey and develop a plan of action that leads to lasting sobriety. The goal of Christian drug rehab is to provide patients with spiritual guidance and support to break the bondage of addiction and create a meaningful life of purpose and spiritual connection.
Benefits of Christian Drug Rehab
Christian drug rehab centers offer many unique benefits for those who are seeking recovery from addiction. First and foremost, these types of programs offer individualized care that is tailored to each individual’s religious beliefs and goals. This individualized approach offers a level of spiritual support that is often lacking in other types of drug rehabilitation programs. Additionally, Christian drug rehab centers incorporate a wide range of holistic treatments that are designed to nourish the body, mind, and spirit. This kind of holistic approach often yields far better results than traditional rehabilitation as it helps to restore balance to all aspects of a person’s life. Finally, Christian drug rehab centers provide patients with a strong sense of accountability and support. Since patients are surrounded by other individuals who share similar beliefs and practices, there is a stronger sense of belonging and connection that can be invaluable to the recovery process.
Types of Christian Drug Rehab Programs
Christian drug rehab centers offer a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of those struggling with addiction. These can include:
• Detoxification – This type of program is designed to help individuals safely manage withdrawal symptoms as their body detoxifies from drugs or alcohol.
• Inpatient Treatment – An inpatient program provides 24-hour supervised care in a residential setting that allows for closer monitoring of patients and a greater level of individualized treatment.
• Outpatient Treatment – Outpatient programs offer flexible care in the form of counseling, group therapy, and other forms of support that allows individuals to remain at home while participating in treatment.
• Aftercare – Aftercare programs such as sober living residences provide a supportive environment for individuals who have completed primary treatment and are transitioning back into the community.
Finding the Right Christian Drug Rehab Center
When searching for a Christian drug rehab program, it is important to remember that not all such programs are created equal. It is important to research and compare different programs to ensure that they have proven track records of providing successful treatments and that they provide a comfortable and supportive environment. Additionally, it is important to understand what level of care a center offers and determine if their approach matches your unique needs and goals. Finally, make sure to look into the center’s success rates and any affiliations they have with other faith-based organizations.
When seeking recovery from addiction, it can be beneficial to consider seeking treatment from a Christian drug rehab center. These programs offer unique benefits and provide an individualized approach to recovery that is tailored to an individual’s faith. With a combination of evidence-based practices, faith-based principles, and holistic treatments, individuals can form a strong connection between body, mind, and spirit while building a life of sobriety and renewal.
How the addict can get his life back with God’s love
Addiction is a neurological brain disorder that affects people physically, mentally, and behaviorally. It is characterized by drug dependence, uncontrollable behaviors, and addiction dominance.
Most people who suffer from addiction find it hard to stop, and those who stop often have reasons to go back to it.
A saying goes that “God is Love and Love is God”. This saying is true because God does not discriminate with how he shows his love to people. Even chronic addicts that have been involved in some serious bad behaviors have their place in the heart of God. All God wants is for men to come to him even at times when they are helpless.
One of the most common reasons that people fall into addiction is the lack of love, care, and attention from friends, colleagues, family, and society.

This often keeps people in the cage of their emotions, thereby making them tend toward things that will satisfy their temporal carving for love. Alcohol is one major depressant that temporarily takes away these thoughts and makes the person feel light of their burden.
In no time, alcohol would take over the entire life of the person leaving them with pain and gruesome effects of their addiction. If you are experiencing such, you should know today that God loves you and is ready to help you snap out of your problem. Stop your pain by taking the tips below, and enjoy God’s love in your addiction treatment.
- Visit a man of God and explain your situation. They often study theology and know a thing or two about psychology and counseling.
- Make godly friends. Godly friends will help you abstain from addiction triggers and constantly reassure you of the love of God.
- Believe in God and trust in his healing power.
- Pray and deliberately ask God to help you with your addiction.
- Get active with spiritual activities and programs.
Helping the addict break free from addiction with God’s power
Many people battle with their addiction for years with little or no positive difference to their situation. Getting medical therapy is a good way to snap out of an addiction, but not everyone can afford a quality addiction treatment facility.
Some people even undergo months of treatment at the rehab and still get back home to battle triggers and withdrawal symptoms.
Even those taking aftercare treatment battle with various mental effects of their addiction after rehabilitation. Indeed, it takes God to get well from addiction. The power of God is another way to break free from addiction to drugs, behaviors, and alcohol.

Many people find it hard to move close to God in their time of the problem. They probably think that God will not help them due to the kind of addiction they are battling. God’s power to heal is available for all that are ready to believe in what he can do.
Here are some easy tips to breaking free from addiction with God’s power
See a spiritual leader
If you are having the feeling that your situation is too terrible and God will not help you, you might need to see a representative of God on earth to trace your way to God.
There are people of God who can pray with you concerning your situation and help you get well quickly. They can even assist you with spiritual and psychological counseling to get your life back on track.
Believe in God and ask for help
For God to intervene in your situation, it is important that you first believe in the power of God to heal your body and mind. Believing in God and having faith that your prayers will be answered is the first step to getting the help of God. You should also be ready to wait on God to do the miracle you need.
Say positive things about your situation
The things we say are a reflection of what we eventually get. You can’t keep praying for healing and not confess that you will get better in your conversation with people. Make sure you profess your prayers daily.
Understanding God’s love as an addict
When an individual is addicted, the last thing they experience is love and the reason for this is not far-fetched.
As humans, our first reaction to an addicted person is rejection and this is probably because we don’t want to be influenced. The addict is able to sense this rejection from miles apart and this makes them keep their distance.
This is one of the reasons why addicts and their loved ones have issues because they cannot see eye-to-eye with each other. The addict feels he or she is not loved, and they react to this. On the other hand, the loved ones of the addict still care about them, but they don’t know how to express it.

God is the only one who loves an addict without any conditions. If everyone in the world turns their back against addicts, God cannot. As it is popularly said, God hates the sin but loves the sinner. In the same vein, God hates the addiction but he loves the addict.
For addicted believers, it is difficult for them to experience and acknowledge God’s love because their addiction has occupied their heart. When they pray or seek God’s face, they don’t receive ample conviction that God has heard them because of their addiction.
One fact addicted believers need to know is, God’s love is all they need to get back on track. God’s love helps them see their addiction from a different perspective. The addicts would understand that they can survive without their addiction if they allow God take control.
Self-resolution is not enough to fight against addiction as a higher power is needed, which is God. God’s Love fortifies the individual to not indulge in their addiction again. In addition, the individual would be able to identify areas of their lives that they need to change.
To wrap it up, we need God’s love in various aspects of our lives, as it is the license we have to be victorious.
Importance of a Christian rehab
A rehab is a health facility where individuals get a full revamp and restoration of their health. It is a place where addicts and people suffering from mental health problems go to. With a rehab, it is certain that you will achieve a clean bill of health as everything concerning you will be restored to normalcy.
When it comes to a Christian rehab, the benefits are the same but there are added advantages it has that a regular rehab does not give.
- A Christian rehab draws you closer to God
One of the features a Christian rehab encourages is, it gives you a clearer perspective about God and how he wants to be involved in every aspect of your life. Usually, addicts feel that their addiction has made God turn his back against them, so if they seek his face, he won’t respond.
This is a wrong notion; even though God hates sin, he does not hate the sinner, he is always ready to welcome anyone home provided they are willing to change.
When you are in a Christian rehab, you are sure to get back on track with God, fellowship with him and know him more.

- You have Christian counselors by your side
A Christian rehab automatically comes with Christian counselors who have a pivotal role to play. There are times when you might feel burned out and tired of your situation. With Christian counselors, you will receive good pieces of advice that would keep you motivated all through your stay at the rehab.
- Good aftercare follow-up system
When you leave the rehab, you will still receive some form of care and follow up from the Christian community. If it is an addiction problem, it could be more intense because of the possibility of a relapse.
On the other hand, if it is a mental health problem, you will receive check-ups from the rehab.
For any believer who is going through a hard time, be it addiction, mental health problem or the likes, a Christian rehab is the place to be.
A rehabilitation basically serves the purpose of helping an individual regain their feet from addiction. If someone does not opt for a rehab, there is a likely chance that they would be unable to recover from the bondage from addiction. Now, there are Christian rehabs which addicted Christians typically go to.
Some people might be surprised that Christians would be addicted. However, you need to know that, these people were first human beings before they become Christians, and they have the same blood which flows through their veins, just like anyone else.
A Christian rehab is a place where spiritual healing takes place. It is a place which is devoid of shame and judgment. A good number of rehab programs are available, but they are not of enough standard for Christians.
Someone who is recovering is often vulnerable, and they have to handle issues which have been repressed by substance abuse, and other acts which has the capacity to affect their faith.

A Christian rehab might not be entirely Christian in nature, but they certainly upload Christian ethics and principles, so it is usually easy for Christians to adapt to it. A Christian rehab has a proven level of success to an addict, because it provides the right remedy to the addiction problem.
We receive the gift of inspiration via the Love of God, and the only thing which takes it away, is addiction. However, if addicts can return to the Love of God, their lives will experience a turnaround, and they will turn back to the status quo.
God’s love is very powerful, and it is profound enough to provide inspiration for us. The love of God gives us a profound sense of purpose. We all crave purpose because our needs are satisfied, and we are fulfilled because of our good works.
When we are distracted, we can lose a sense of purpose. Addiction kills purpose in our lives, and it removes our sense of priority. It removes God from the center of one’s life.
Addiction has a disadvantageous effect on any form of relationships. Such relationships include the one with: Colleagues, family, friends and the likes. It could even get to a point where you would want to blame God for the form of addiction which you are going through.
Addiction has the capacity to draw you away from God; straining the relationship which you have with him. As you begin to undergo the detoxification of either alcohol or drugs, your sober goals would become more insightful. Drawing closer to God alongside with sobriety, would aid you in restoring your sobriety, and also give you more insights in life.
Below are some steps which are necessary for addiction treatment in an addiction rehab:
- Prayer: Prayer is one of the basic acts of the Christian faith. It is basically a form of communication between you and God. Hence, when you pray, you are setting up a form of strong bond and relationship between you and God. Prayer is known to be one of the quintessential acts which is known to promote the spiritual wellness of an individual.

Hence, during the recovery process, prayer is very important for the addict, and it is one of the acts which would be taught in a Christian rehab.
- Meditation: Meditation in the Christian faith is quite similar to the conventional form of meditation. In the Christian faith, what it basically involves is to take out time to think and reflect on your life, alongside the integration of various verses in the Christian Bible.
- Being teachable: In the Christian rehab, one important step which you would learn is the spirit of being teachable. During this process, you would be required not only to imbibe the teachable spirit, but to practice it as well.
- Going through religious works: This is one of the essential steps which are necessary for breaking free from addiction. You would be inspired by the story of people who have in the past struggled with one form of challenge or the other.
Recovering from Drug Abuse through God’s Love
People try many things to end their drug problems. They receive hypnosis, do acupuncture, meditate, read self help books and do a variety of other things to distract and heal themselves. Some forms of drug abuse treatment are helpful while others are not, but the singular most important remedy to drug problems is receiving God’s love. Those who have experienced God’s love know that it is powerful enough to do things in an instant that people are unable to do in years. God’s love offers many gifts to people, and those gifts make drug abuse into something small and conquerable.
The gift of inspiration is received through God’s love. Drug abuse kills inspiration, but God’s love restores it. We have all felt inspiration in our lives. It is a force that makes life worth living because it makes us desire truth and gives us exhilaration. Inspiration is soul food, but we cannot always access it. Life circumstances can chase it away, and substance abuse removes it from our lives entirely. God’s love is powerful enough to inspire us our whole lives long. A person who has felt it never forgets it, and even through dark times, they remember the source of inspiration they found in God’s love.
Check out christian recovery centers for more information and counselling services.
God’s love also fills people with a strong sense of purpose. Purpose is something we all crave because it satisfies our need to be useful and fulfills us through good works. It is easy to lose our sense of purpose through distractions. The world is very good at throwing distractions at us, such as drug abuse. Drug abuse kills purpose in our lives by removing our sense of priority toward it. Drug abuse makes the drug the center of a person’s life, stripping them of their focus, their usefulness and their life’s purpose. When God’s love enters into the situation through a heart that is ready to receive it, it changes everything. It puts all of life back into perspective and restores a sense of purpose through divine intervention.
What Makes a Christian Rehab Different
A Christian rehab experience is different from the average rehab experience in a number of ways. Some people come to a Christian rehab specifically for the spiritual experience while others are surprised to learn that they have enrolled in a Christian program. Many Christian rehabs offer their clients the option of leaving Christianity out of their recovery experience if it makes them uncomfortable, but for those who appreciate it, rehab can be a deeply spiritual experience.
The spiritual guidance a person can receive from enrolling into a Christian rehab program is profound. Christianity offers a very fulfilling spiritual life; one that presents a version of history that explains why we are here, connects people with their creator and fills lives with purpose, hope, love and peace. Many people know they want these things but do not know how to go about them. They can benefit immensely by receiving guidance through the acceptance of spirituality and what it means to their lives.
Attending a Christian rehabilitation program gives a person automatic access to a Christian community and support system. If there is one thing Christians know how to do very well, its build community and create support systems. Even critics of the Christian church praise Christians for their well established community building skills. This quality of the Christian community is very important to recovering drug users, who are very vulnerable and often receive rejection instead of support.
Most importantly, a Christian rehab experience can expose clients to God’s love. More than anything, this is the powerful component that can change a person’s life forever. God’s love is a supernatural force that is more powerful than any other force in existence. Experiencing it is breath taking and awe inspiring. There are no words to describe it, but when you experience it, your mind is blown by its profundity and you see all of reality through very different eyes. This kind of power makes the need to abuse drugs non-existent.